Today is Tell A Fairy Tale Day. Although it’s an unofficial holiday, people are encouraged to read, tell, and listen to fairy tales from all over the world.

Usually, fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time…” The tales are short, and may include elves, fairies, and trolls–a magical world.

Although fairy tales were once considered children’s literature, the term is also used when referencing happy events.

So, what should you do to celebrate?
Host a fairy tale party! Tell your guests to come dressed as their favorite fairy tale characters, and be sure to serve fairy tale food such as porridge (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) or peas (The Princess and the Pea.)
And then, collaborate and pen a fairy tale!

What is your favorite fairy tale? Please share your comment below. One lucky winner will be randomly selected to win a free ebook copy of my sweet romance novella, A Snowy White Christmas. This is my fairy tale romance and you can be sure it will include a fairy tale ending!

Check back on Monday for winner announcement.

13 Responses

  1. There is a clumsy fairy she did a spell and because of that it backfired and the spell become of herself. She came in a world she never see before. Gombins eating giants. Elfs who dominanted witchets. Then she saw dragon. The dragon told That she couldt change iT to ” normal” but she need to go to neptunes to complete the task. She need to Search the three bears and golden locks. They knew the way to the wizard Josie. How to i get there she ask the dragon . Go true the waterfall and find the white rabbit Alice she Will help you. She did she found the Rabbit. I need your help to change the world can you help me find the three bears and golden locks they can help me find neptunes. Oké Said Alice i Will but when i bring you there i want a teaparty .Oké Said the clumpsy fairy Mistral. The go over water true a dark forest. Burning water and finally the see a Catheral. There where golden locks and the three bears. . They willing to help her. They got underground and thrue spidersgaves and vulcanos. And there on the end the find in the sea Neptunes. She have to gave her powers to save the world. She was torned up but she did.. The world changed. When she woke up. She was back in the forest and there was a rabbit and three bears beside her. She got in her three house made tea and get Honey. After the teaparty she was happy. And there on the end of the end of the forest there was a dragon smiling AT her and bowed.

  2. I love Beauty and the Beast. I think it is great that real love and friendship can help transform somebody’s bad attitude.

  3. Growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, I eascaped through b ook- lead imagination. Yes, I loved and still love FairyTales. My favorite? The princess who had 7 brothers who were turned into geese. They would guard her, and at night they were allowed to turn bak into humans, but her curse was she was not allowed to speak. End of the story…she completed the 7 shorts she had to weave by hand, did not speak, and robed each brother in the shirts as they flew past her.

  4. There was a girl named Cindy whose stepmother hired an assassin to kill her for her insurance money. Cindy found out and ran off into the Adirondack Mountains. In the woods she found a cottage. She snuck up and didn’t see anyone home. She went in and found 3 place settings. Being tired she went upstairs and found 3 beds. She went to sleep in the smallest one. When she awoke there stood a family of bears. She screamed and they shifted into humans. Cindy told them about running for her life. They allowed her to stay. A week later a big, bad wolf was lurking outside and Papa bear confronted him. The wolf shifted into a man and said he was sent to kill Cindy but he couldn’t do it. He told Cindy that her stepmother thought he had done the job. The assassin and Cindy fell in love, built a cottage next to the bears and lived happily ever after.

  5. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. The idea of seeing beyond the outward appearance to what’s inside is a good one. And I have fond memories tied to the original release of Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast.