For a limited time, my sweet inspirational Regency romance, Seeking Fortune, is on a Kindle Countdown for only 99 cents!

★★ Do you love British inspirational Regency romance? Seeking Fortune is a faith-filled, clean, sweet, and wholesome story. Fall in love with heartwarming romance filled with delightful characters, Romany Gypsies, faith in God, and the promise of a second chance. ★★

A Golden Pen Winner, Seeking Fortune also received over 6000 nominations on Kindle scout.

There are lies more believable than truth.

Valentina, my heroine, a Romany woman, reads palms.

Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, becomes a catalyst for self-reflection and discovery in my characters’ lives. As her fingers trace the lines on the hands of the hero, he contemplates his own strengths, weaknesses, and deepest desires.

The life line symbolizes resilience and vitality, reflecting the challenges they’ve overcome. The heart line hints at their capacity for love, reminding of the tender emotions that beat within. The head line offers insights into their intellect and thinking patterns, while the fate line offers a glimpse into their potential paths.

Grab your ebook copy of Seeking Fortune today before price goes up. Available on ebook, paperback, large print paperback, hardcover, and audiobook.