On Sunday, November 6, 2016, in the U.S., clocks are turned back an hour. This is Daylight Savings Time, also referred to as “Fall Back” or “Winter Time.” Expect sunrise and sunset to be about an hour earlier, and more light in the morning.


Over 70 countries use Daylight Saving Time.

Main reasons include:
Conserving energy by utilizing more natural light, rather than artificial light.
Decreasing road accidents because roads are naturally during heavy traffic hours.

Dairy farmers often protest that changing our clocks an hour twice a year makes milking cows and getting the milk collected in time is a challenge. Although our modern dairy farms oftentimes utilize robots for cow milking, farmers in developing countries are affected.

What are your thoughts about Daily Savings Time? Is it time to fall back?
Leave your comment below and a lucky winner will be randomly chosen to win a copy of A Snowy White Christmas!

Check back here on the blog on Monday, November 7th for the winner announcement.

42 Responses

  1. I understand the reasoning. Parents don’t want their kids going to school while it is dark outside in the morning. I personally could care less. I do enjoy the fall back time. I like that extra hour of sleep in the morning. You can keep the spring forward.

  2. We had it last week. I dont know why is not the same is all over the world. Oh welll that wasnt the question. It effects all the people. Nu little girl is the couple after do tired.

  3. Hubs is full time farmer and as a state have only changed time for a few years. Hate it as we should be on central time and not eastern anyway due to location

  4. Good foggy morning here in Greenville Michigan today. I really don’t like time change. It messes my dogs all up for feeding times lol

  5. While I like the extra hour, I prefer it stay Standard Time all year. Many still have to get up in the dark, drive to work (often still dark) and drive home in the dark. Extra hours of daylight at night would enable parents to spend time with family doing outdoor activities that would ensure the little ones sleep better at night. More daylight helps you psychologically as well as emotionally.

  6. I personally would wish that they put the time one way and leave it thee .

  7. I understand why they started it years ago, but those reasons are no longer valid. Have lived in Hawaii and Arizona and loved leaving time alone!

  8. I understand the reasoning, but truth be told…I just don’t care. I like that’s it’s lighter in the morning for kids and farm chores, but getting dark earlier is horrible. I guess it just doesn’t do me any good to complain so I don’t think about it much.

  9. It’s very confusing I was awake at3 a.m. had to get up at4. Couldn’t go back to sleep. I was raised on dairy farm but don’t remember if my folks had any problems. Of course this was when the cows were only milked twice a day.

  10. I like daylight savings time, but don’t feel the need to change the clocks. There are still the same number of hours of light in the day, you just have to adjust your schedule to fit.

  11. I think we should stay on one time and give up changing the clocks. I HATE “winter-time” when the sun sets at 4:30 in the afternoon. I have to give my husband certain medications at certain times every day, changing the clocks twice a year throws everything into a tizzy. I have to set an alarm about a week ahead and start giving the medicine a little earlier or later depending on if it’s Spring ahead or Fall back so he gets the proper dose. It takes me weeks to get used to the change.
    In today’s electronics filled world there is no longer any benefit of changing the time.

  12. I believe we should leave time alone. It causes more problems as we have to adjust our bodies to the time. I have enough trouble with exhaustion without the time change in the fall.

  13. I like daylight savings time because there is more light for driving to work in the morning. People won’t be in as much of a hurry to get home in the evenings as they are trying to beat the clock at work in the mornings. So it is safer for drivers and children waiting for school buses. I have trouble adapting quickly to different seasons and daylight savings time anyway.

  14. Personally I think it’s time to boot the Daylight Savings thing altogether. Send the kids to school later & make sure they’re home before dark. Work more from home or go in earlier / later to avoid heavy traffic. And don’t even go there with the “utilize natural light” crap. Irregardless of work shift, the lights are on day & night in almost every building where there are workers. The only ones “utilizing” that “natural light” are those who work outdoors, the animals, and outdoor plants. And on top of that, all these countries doing DST aren’t even springing forward & falling back at the same time. Talk about a major headache. Somewhere someone is having way too much fun messing with folks.

  15. This topic certainly sparked a lot of interest, with most people not agreeing with the Daylight Savings Time clock changes.

    Margaret Appel-you’ve won a copy of my free sweet romance ebook–A Snowy White Christmas!

    Please email me at josieriviera@aol.com

    Thanks to everyone for their thought-provoking comments! This was so much fun and very interesting!