September is a great month to get in shape and I’m sharing some facts about water.

Why does your body need water?
Well, it flushes out toxins, helps the nutrients get to your organs, regulates your body temperaturewater and protects your joints.
Did you know that we are made up of 50-75% water? That means that more than half of us is water. And, we only start to feel thirsty when we have lost about 2-3%.
Only 20% of our water comes through food. And the other 80%? That part is up to you.
But plain water is boring to drink. It’s bland.
However, if you add a slice of lemon, it’s much better tasting. And . . .
1. Lemons contain natural vitamin C
2. Lemons contain potassium
3. Adding lemon to water lowers the toxins in your body, thus your skin will look clearer.
4. Lemon water gives your fresher breath because of it’s natural flavor.
5. Lemon water gives you more energy than coffee.
Easy and inexpensive, adding eight glasses of lemon water to your daily diet is worth a try. Please leave any additional health benefits and comments.

jug with lemon