Well graduates, it’s that time of year. And no one says it better than Dave Barry.

Chuckle with me as I share his Commencement Address:

“Graduating Class, you will be going forth into a world where you’ll have to work for the Baby Boomer Generation. Isn’t that great? If you get a job at a corporation, sooner or later, you’ll find yourself at some fun mandatory corporate social event, and the band (we Boomers pick the band) will launch into a popular song from the Boomers’ favorite era (the past).  All around you, members of upper management—the people who control your fate—will start lurching around on the dance floor, and they’ll sing, with heartfelt emotion, the Boomer Anthem: “Jeremiah was a bullfrog! Was a good friend of mine!”

Won’t that be FUN, Graduating Class? Sing along! “Joy to the World!” Or else! Maybe you could hide out for a couple more years here in college. Nobody will look for you in the library.”


A sincere congratulations to all graduates on your well-deserved success. Bravo!


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