For those who celebrate, have a Happy and Blessed Easter!

I’ll be hosting Easter dinner for family and friends today, and baked ham and mashed sweet potatoes are on the menu. What is your Easter dinner menu? Please share your comments below.

Be sure to snag your copy of Sweet Peppermint Kisses on Monday, April 22nd. My sweet romance will be available for only $.99 on ALL ebook retailers for this one day only sale event.

Also available on all other etailers here.

There’s no place like home. Until the heart gallops off in an unexpected direction…

And, believe in love this Easter and snag one of these great books.
Maeve is on sale for only $1.99!

One Response

  1. Happy Easter to you, too. We have a smoked squab that I just have to add some side dishes to. Enjoy your dinner, it sounds yummy!