Recipes from the Heart is a #1 New Release on Amazon!

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Are you drawn back to certain recipes because they bring up memories?

A heartwarming story is the hallmark of a romantic read, and every one of my books contains a recipe submitted by a reader, my beloved mother or grandmother, or friends in Ireland.
Now these recipes are all together in one book for easy referral.

Savor the magic of my sweet reads—from Tudor to Contemporary, Holiday to Homemade fudge.

Enjoy your happiest moments spent in the kitchen, and bring back the joy and memory of my sweet romances, and the recipes created by my characters.

Each recipe is a grand celebration of love.

Available in ebook, paperback, and Large Print paperback.

And, snag your FREE copy of Seeking Charity, my Regency Christian romance, through Transformational Fiction. (Free with Newsletter sign-up.)